about me

My photo
Denver, Colorado, United States
i'm 33. i live with my husband, baby daughter 2 dogs and 1 kitty. i'm a chemical engineer with an MBA and work in technical sales. i tend to bite off more than i *think* i can chew and end up with a full bulging mouth for awhile before i can finally swallow. i thrive in chaos, but strive for order.


i think i'm kind of intense

and i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing... i like to think of it as just being open and honest and not playing games, but i wonder sometimes if it freaks people out. not that i would change, just a kind of self-realization that i've had lately.

and also, how is it possible for me to be so comfortable with people that are essentially strangers, yet so uncomfortable with some people that have known me a long time.

maybe i'm just not comfortable with my true self. or maybe i just need to meet more people like me.


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Intense? Intense? Well, perhaps. But it's a Fluffy, Puffy, Puppy intensity! To intentionally seek out those more like you will be an exercise in disappointment until you are comfortable with your true self. Comfort will naturally occur with those that truly know you.

    The Oracle

  2. sometimes easier to be yourself with strangers. they haven't gotten accostumed to you as you were years or decades ago.

  3. i think you guys are right.. and maybe i unwittengly alienate older friends because i'm constantly changing and frequently find myself having nothing in common with them.. but lots to talk about with new friends who share my current interests..

  4. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Drawing from your permanent interests, you will find your permanent friends. But recognize that no relationship is static, including your relationship with yourself. What feels better, a new blouse or an old favorite sweatshirt? Both are good in their own way.

    The Oracle
